How do I load custom maps?

This is one we get asked a lot on the forums.

Most custom levels will be distributed with information such as how to load it, along with any specific information that you might need to know. But the general rule is as follows:

  1. Put the .cmf files (these are the custom maps themselves) into a folder called 'Levels' in the Narbacular Drop directory. If the folder doesn't exist, create it!
  2. Start the game
  3. At the main menu, press the console key. That's below Escape and above Tab on your keyboard. Depending on your keyboard, it might have a ` or a ~ printed on it. This activates the console, where you can enter commands
  4. Typeloadlevel levels/mapname.cmfinto the console (replacing 'mapname' with the name of the .cmf file you wish to load) and press enter.
Remember that the 'loadlevel' command only works at the main menu!